Concerning, especially section I.5:
Can one define the Selmer groups and the unramified cohomology groups as étale cohomology groups of certain schemes, so that one does not have to take a kernel, similar to the Selmer group of Abelian varieties $\mathrm{Sel}^n(A/K) = \ker(H^1(K,A[n]) \to \prod_v H^1(K_v,A))$, which equals (perhaps up to the infinite places) $H^1(\mathrm{Spec} O_K, \mathscr{A}[n])$ with $\mathscr{A}$ the Néron model, and ${\mathrm{III}}(A/K) = H^1(\mathrm{Spec} O_K, \mathscr{A})$?
For example, one has perhaps $H^1_\mathrm{u}(K,A) = H^1(\mathrm{Spec} O_K, A)$ with $O_K$ the valuation ring of a local field $K$ (if $A$ is an unramfied module).