QUESTION Find all triples of odd natural numbers $\ a < b\ $ and $\ c\ $ such that $\ a+b = c-1\ $ and
$$ \frac {c!!}{a!!\cdot b!!}\ =\ \frac {P(c)}{P(b)} $$
where $\ P(x) \ $ is the product of all primes $\le x$.
The above fraction on the left looks somewhat similar to binomial coefficients but they are not integers in general; in the odd case of this double !! expression the numerator and the denominators are more balanced (or at least their totality).
$$ \frac {45!!}{15!!\cdot 29!!}\,\ =\,\ 31\cdot 37\cdot 41\cdot 43\,\ =\,\ \frac{P(45)}{P(29)} $$
Perhaps there are only a finite number of such odd fractions which produce an exact prime product as in the question. Are all of them among fractions $$ \frac {(6\cdot n-3)!!}{(2\cdot n-1)!!\,\cdot\,(4\cdot n-3)!!} $$
EDIT It follows from @GerhardPaseman's comments in this thread that a necessary condition for a required triple $\ a<b\ $ and $\ c\ $ is following: if $\ b<n\le c\ $ is not a prime then all prime divisors of $\ n\ $ are $\ \le\ a$, for all such $\ n$.
Thus there should be a lot of such triples. However, despite everybody's common sense, it is still not certain at this moment that there are infinitely many of such solutions.