If $X$ is normal and $G$ acts on $k(X)/k(Y)$ then the $G$ acts also on $X/Y$ (in a way consistent with its action on $k(X)$).
Because $X$ is integral, its ring of functions on each affine open embeds into $k(X)$, so the action of $G$ on an affine open is determined by the action on the field of fractions. So the $G$-action is unique. Because of this, the existence is a local question, so we may assume $X$ and $Y$ affine.
In this case $k[X]$ consists of all elements of $k(X)$ that are integral over $k[X]$. Because each element of $k[X]$ is integral over $k[Y]$ (by the finiteness assumption), $k[X]$ consists of all elements of $k(X)$ that are integral over $k[Y]$.
From this definition it is clear that every automorphism of $k(X)$ that fixes $k(Y)$, and so fixes $k[Y]$, necessarily fixes $k[X]$, and thus acts on $X$.
If $Y$ is also normal, and $k(X)^G= k(Y)$ then $Y= X/G$.
There is certainly a map $X/G \to Y$. Whether or not this map is an isomorphism is again a question local on $Y$
As we saw before, the elements of $k[X]$ are exactly the elements of $k(X)$ that are integral over $k[Y]$. Among these, the $G$-invariant elements are those that lie in $k(Y)$. But by assumption on $Y$, all the elements of $k(Y)$ that are integral over $k[Y]$ lie in $k[Y]$.
So $k[X/G] = k[X]^G=k[Y]$.