As a reference I recommend this paper by K. Behrend:
Cech cohomology and De Rham cohomology can be defined for differentiable stacks using a double complex associated to the underlying Lie groupoid.
These two cohomologies are isomorphic (see remark 10 p. 262).
Singular cohomology is also defined in this paper (see p. 280), and for real coefficients we have a De Rham isomorphism (see p. 289).
Proposition 36 gives an isomorphism, for any Deligne-Mumford stack $\mathfrak{X}$, between singular cohomology $H^*(\mathfrak{X};\mathbb{Q})$ and the singular cohomology of its coarse moduli space $H^*(\overline{\mathfrak{X}};\mathbb{Q})$.
Example: consider the stack $BG$ where $G$ is a finite group, its coarse moduli space is just a pointy and you recover that rational coholology of $BG$ which is the cohomology of group of $G$ with rational coefficients is trivial.