In Spanier's book Algebraic Topology (Chapter 6 section 7) he defines Čech cohomology in terms of the nerves of open coverings. I wish to know if this is equivalent, for a topological space A closed in X, to the direct limit of singular cohomologies of open sets in X containing A.
In particular, I am interested in the case where we have a constant coefficient group (rather than a presheaf) but for any topological space X (not necessarily Hausdorff or compact, etc.).
NOTE: I have reason to believe that they are not. In "Foundations of Algebra" (Eilenberg, Steenrod 1952), I believe that they define Čech cohomology in terms of nerves of open coverings, the same way that Spanier does. However, for this definition of Čech cohomology they show that the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms hold, while the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms don't necessarily hold for the alternative definition of Čech cohomology that I have described. Any clarifications or input welcome
EDIT: the second definition of Čech cohomology I've referenced is the one defined in Miller's "Lectures on Algebraic Topology" chapter 35 and is $\check{H}^n(A) := \varinjlim_{U \in \mathcal{U}_A} H^n(U)$ where $\mathcal{U}_A$ is the directed set whose elements are the open subsets of a topological space $X$ containing $A \subseteq X$ ordered such that $U \leq V$ when $V \subseteq U$