Given $n$ distinct positive real numbers $A = \{a_1 \ldots a_n\}$, I would like to find a positive lower bound for the absolute value of the non-zero elements of the $\mathbb{Z}$-span $$\langle A\rangle_{\mathbb{Z}} := \mathbb{Z} a_1 + \ldots + \mathbb{Z} a_n\ .$$ In fact, all I need is that there is a positive lower bound on the absolute value, i.e. some $d > 0$ such that $|x| \geq d$ for all $x \in \langle A\rangle_{\mathbb{Z}}\setminus\{0\}$. I don't care what $d$ looks like exactly.
What is the easiest way to prove this? I tried a straightforward induction on $n$ but did not get very far.
(This isn't exactly a lattice, as far as I know, because the generators are not linearly independent, but it seems sufficiently similar, so I tagged the question with ‘lattices’)