Let $f(x_1,...,x_n)$ be $C^0$ continuous function $R^n\to R$ defined on a compact domain $A\subset R^n$. Let $f$ be strictly monotonously increasing w.r.t. every argument in the domain of definition. I'm looking for a method to continue $f$ to the whole $R^n$ as $C^0$ continuous function strictly monotone w.r.t. every argument.
Particularly, I have a computational problem with the values of a function $f(x,y)$ sampled on 2D grid. The function is given in a compact domain of a grid and it is strictly monotonous w.r.t. $x$ and $y$ in the domain. It should be continued to the whole grid, with the only requirement of being continuous and strictly monotone w.r.t. every argument.
In a special case, when the domain is a square, I can construct an explicit formula for such continuation. So what I miss is a formula or an algorithm to continue the function to the bounding box of the domain, supporting the monotonic property above.