One of the constructions of the group $^2E_6(q)$ was presented by Tits in his paper "Les «formes réelles» des groupes de type $E_6$". It is being constructed by looking at the action of $^2E_6(q)$ on the plane $\Pi$, consisting of points and lines and satisfying certain properties. However, when it comes to the case of a finite field, some mystery happens. Of course, Tits gives us the orbit sizes of the described action, but he completely avoids the details leaving us with pure numbers. In fact, there is at least one typo in the given values, so having the "counting" method would be a really good idea. The typo is in the number of points in $\Pi$: there must be $(q^8-1)$ instead of $(q^4-1)$ in the expression for $N$.
After some more research it seems that the plane $\Pi$ consists of so-called white points, defined in the paper by Cohen and Cooperstein, but again, there is no clue on how to describe the action of $^2E_6(q)$ on these "white" points.
Does anyone have any clues or ideas on how to find those orbit sizes and how to describe the action in general? Any help would be very appreciated.