I would like to know whether the following metatheorem on nonabelian $H^2$ has been ever stated and/or proved.
Let $k$ be a perfect field and $k^s$ its fixed separable closure. Let $X^s$ be a variety with additional structure over $k^s$ (I don't want to specify what I mean by additional structure). By a $k$-model of $X^s$ I mean a variety with additional structure $X$ over $k$ together with a $k^s$-isomorphism $$ X\times_k k^s\overset{\sim}{\to} X^s.$$
Metatheorem. Let $k$ be a perfect field and $k^s$ its fixed separable closure. Let $X^s$ be a variety with additional structure over $k^s$. Write $A^s=\mathrm{Aut}(X^s)$, and assume that $A^s$ "is" an algebraic group over $k^s$. Assume that for any $\sigma\in\mathrm{Gal}(k^s/k)$ there exists a $k^s$-isomorphism $$\lambda_\sigma\colon \sigma X^s\to X^s,$$ where $\sigma X^s$ is the variety obtained from $X^s$ by transport of structure. Assume also that $X^s$ admits a $k_1$-model over a finite Galois extension $k_1/k$ contained in $k^s$. Then these data define a $k$-kernel $$\kappa\colon\mathrm{Gal}(k^s/k)\to \mathrm{Out}(A^s)$$ and a cohomology class $\eta\in H^2(k,A^s,\kappa)$. If $\eta$ is not neutral, then $X^s$ has no $k$-model. If $\eta$ is neutral and the variety $X^s$ is quasi-projective, then $X^s$ admits a $k$-model $X$. Moreover, set $A=\mathrm{Aut}(X)$, then there is a canonical bijection between $H^1(k,A)$ and the set of isomorphism classes of $k$-models of $X^s$.
Example of application of the metatheorem: If $k=\mathbb{R}$, $k^s=\mathbb{C}$, $A^s$ is a finite abelian group of odd order, then $H^2(\mathbb{R},A)=1$ and $H^1(\mathbb{R},A)=1$ (because $\mathrm{Gal}(\mathbb{C}/\mathbb{R})$ is of order 2), hence $X^s$ has a unique model over $\mathbb{R}$.
I would be also glad to have references where this metatheorem was proved in special cases.
I know that it was proved in the case when $X^s$ is a principal homogeneous space of $G^s$ dominating $Y^s$, where $Y$ is a given homogeneous space (not necessarily principal) of an algebraic group $G$ defined over $k$, see Springer, Nonabelian $H^2$ in Galois cohomology. In: Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Boulder, Colo., 1965), pages 164--182. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1966. Borovoi, Abelianization of the second nonabelian Galois cohomology, Duke Math. J. 72(1), 217--239, 1993. Flicker, Scheiderer, Sujatha, Grothendieck's theorem on nonabelian $H^2$ and local-global principles. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 11(3), 731--750, 1998.