The answer is negative. In fact, let us show that $a_n$ as defined in the question may converge to $0$ however slowly. Indeed, let $(\epsilon_j)$ is any sequence in $(0,1]$ converging to $0$ slowly and regularly enough, in the sense that
eventually in $j$ -- that is, for some natural $j_0$ and all natural $j\ge j_0$. For instance, this condition will hold if $\epsilon_j$ is (eventually in $j$) of the form $2^{2-j}$ or $j^{-a}$ or
$(\underbrace{\ln\dots\ln}_N j)^{-a}$ for some real $a$ and some natural $N$.
In what follows, $j$ is a natural number $\ge j_0$.
$$r_j:=k_j/2^j.$$ Then
and hence, by the regularity condition $(1)$, $r_j<r_{j-1}$. Let $$\Delta_j:=(r_{j},r_{j-1}].$$
Note that the intervals $\Delta_j$ are pairwise disjoint.
Let then
for $\ell=0,\dots,\ell_j:=(r_{j-1}-r_{j})2^{j+1}$, so that $\ell_j$ is even, and
Note that
$\Delta_j$ is the disjoint union of the $\delta_{j,\ell}$'s over $\ell=0,\dots,\ell_j-1$.
Let, finally,
Take now any large enough natural $n$. Let
H_{n,i}:=\Big(\frac i{2^n},\frac{i+1}{2^n}\Big]
for $i=0,\dots,2^n-1$.
From now on, suppose also that $j\ge n\ge j_0$.
Then $|\delta_{j,\ell}|=1/2^{j+1}<1/2^n=|H_{n,i}|$, where $|\cdot|$ denotes the Lebesgue measure.
For any given $i=0,\dots,2^n-1$ such that $H_{n,i}\subseteq\Delta_j$, we have
$$B\cap H_{n,i}=\bigcup_{q=q_1}^{q_2}\delta_{j,2q}
for some integers $q_1=q_{1;n,i}$ and $q_2=q_{2;n,i}$ such that $0\le q_1\le q_2\le\ell_j/2-1$.
$|B\cap H_{n,i}|=\frac12|H_{n,i}|=\frac12\frac1{2^n}$.
\frac{|B\cap H_{n,i}|}{2^{-n}}\Big(1-\frac{|B\cap H_{n,i}|}{2^{-n}}\Big)
-- for each $j\in\{n,n+1,\dots\}$ and each $i=0,\dots,2^n-1$ such that $H_{n,i}\subseteq\Delta_j$.
By $(2)$ and $(1)$, the length $|\Delta_j|$ of the dyadic interval $\Delta_j$ is
and so, for a given natural $n\ge j_0$, the dyadic interval $\Delta_j$ contains at least
dyadic intervals $H_{n,i}$.
So, for $a_n$ as defined in the question, we have
a_n\ge\frac1{2^n}\sum_{j=n}^\infty\ \sum_{i\colon H_{n,i}\subseteq\Delta_j}
\frac{|B\cap H_{n,i}|}{2^{-n}}\Big(1-\frac{|B\cap H_{n,i}|}{2^{-n}}\Big)
\frac1{2^n}\sum_{j=n}^\infty 2^{n-1}(\epsilon_{j-1}-\epsilon_j)\frac14
Thus, $a_n\ge\frac{\epsilon_{n-1}}8$ for all $n\ge j_0$.
For instance, letting $\epsilon_j=1/j$ for all natural $j$, we have
$\sum_n a_n=\infty$.