Let $$ f(x,N) = \sum_{0 \leq n\leq N} e(x n^2).$$
Weyl's inequality gives an estimate for $f(x,N)$ when $x$ is near a rational with small denominator. My question is:
What estimates are available for more general exponential sums of the form $$f(x,j,N) = \sum_{0 \leq n\leq N} n^j e(x n^2)? $$
Unlike the classical Weyl sum, the behavior of these functions do not appear to reduce to elementary Gauss sum estimates at rationals with small denominators. A related question is: what estimates are available for exponential sums of the form: $ \sum_{1\leq n \leq q} n^j e(n^2/q) $?
On the other hand, these sums do appear in the analytic number theory literature. For instance, see this paper of Hiary, although the interest there is in computational questions and not estimates.