As well-known in toric geometry, we can define a toric divisor $D_i$ with respect to every face $F_i$ of the polytope. And it is well know that $-K_M=\sum D_i$. My question is that if we denote $D_i$ to be the toric divisor with respect to the face $F_i$, then is $-D_i$ also a toric divisor with respect to $F_i$?
The question comes from a represent of $-K_M$ while $M$ is the blow-up of $\mathbb{C}P^2$ at one point. We know that $-K_M=3H-E$, where $H$ is the hyperplane line bundle and $E$ is the exceptional divisor. So three of $D_i$s are $H$ and the other is $-E$. Are there some mistake?