I'm looking to brush up my analysis after several years out of mathematics (graduated in 1996 and worked in industry since then).
I want a hard core treatment of analysis in order to brush up and progress in analytic number theory.
Bromwich's infinite series looks really good to me, though I'm concerned about his treatment of divergent series and possibly other topics being somewhat dated or might take me on the wrong track as a result.
Other than that the book looks excellent, but would you the community recommend using this ? or possibly you can recommend a modern counterpart ? or perhaps some combination ?
I work alone so helps not to have to change a book half way through finding that it's misleading / dated, hence I ask for your advice.
PS The level of the treatment would correspond roughly to graduate level these days to give you a better idea.
PPS Ideally you've read or know this book already, if not then what I'm looking for is this : A 'brisque' refresher of convergence / uniform convergence topic plenty of example problems moving rapidly onto such topics as e.g. Borel's integral, Pringsheim's theorems, Tauberian sums, good treatment of theta functions etc
As I say I want later to go on with analytic number but want I nice broad treatment as a thorough refresher with plenty of problems in it. I'm concerned since the book is dated that there may be subtleties in the books that may be misleading these days for later more serious work.