The Levenshtein distance or Edit distance $$ lev(U,V) $$ between two strings $U$ and $V$ over a finite alphabet $\Sigma$ of size $ \left| \Sigma \right| = \sigma ,$ is the minimal number of insertions, deletions and replacements to make the strings equal.
For $k \in \mathbb{N} $ and $U \in \Sigma^*$ we define :
$$ N_k(U) = \{ V \in \Sigma^* : lev(U,V) \leq k \} $$
For example if $\Sigma = \{A,B,L\}$ :
\begin{eqnarray*} N_1(AAA) &=& \{ AAA, AA, AAB, AAL, ABA, ALA, BAA, LAA, AAAA, BAAA, \\ &&LAAA, ABAA, ALAA, AABA, AALA, AAAB, AAAL \} \\ N_1(LAB) &=& \{LAB, LA, AB, LB, AAB, BAB, LBB, LLB, LAA, LAL, ALAB, \\ &&BLAB, LLAB, LAAB, LBAB, LALB, LABA, LABB, LABL\} \end{eqnarray*}
My goal is to compute for $\Sigma, n $ and $k$ fixed :
$$ \max_{U \in \Sigma^* , ~ \left| U \right| = n} \left|N_k(U) \right| $$
or an upper bound $f(\Sigma,k,n)$.
I conjecture that the maximum is reached for the words of the form :
$$ c_1c_2 \dots c_{\sigma}c_1c_2 \dots c_{\sigma}\dots $$
where $\Sigma = \{ c_1,c_2, \dots,c_{\sigma} \}. $
Does anyone have an idea of how to compute $ \max_{U \in \Sigma^* , ~ \left| U \right| = n} \left|N_k(U) \right| $ or to prove this conjecture?
A special case has already been studied in the section 6 of the paper What's Behind Blast by Gene Myers.