Consider the following so-called $U$-statistic of order 2: $$U = \frac1{\binom{m}{2}} \sum_{i < j} h(w_i,w_j)$$ where $w_1,\dots,w_m$ are IID from some distribution and $h$ is symmetric. If $|h(w_1,w_2)| \le B$ a.s., then a classical result gives the following concentration inequality: \begin{align} \mathbb P( | U - \mathbb E U| \ge t) \le 2 \exp(- m t^2 /(8B^2)). \end{align} (Maybe there are better constants known here.)
I have the following two questions:
It seems to me that this immediately generalizes to the case where $(w_1,\dots,w_n)$ has an exchangeable distribution, due to de Finetti's theorem saying that any such distribution is a result of a mixture of IID ones. More precisely, there is a random measure $G$, such that conditional on $G$, $w_1,\dots,w_n$ are IID draws from $G$. By conditioning on $G$, using the inequality above for the IID case, and then taking expectations, we get the result for the exchangeable case. Is this argument correct?
What is the state of the art in terms of concentration bounds for such $U$-statistics, esp in the case where $h$ is not bounded? Are there clear generalization known, esp. for the exchangable case? The above argument seems to rely on boundedness of $h$ in a critical way.
EDIT: I should say that for the first point, it might be that we have to assume $h$ to be surely bounded (?)
EDIT: As was pointed out, the argument in point one is flawed. In the hindsight, one needs extra conditions. The case where $w_1=w_2=\dots=w_m$ is an example of an exchangeable distribution for which the concentration (with $m$ in the exponent) need not hold.