We can for the purposes of getting the expected number of changes in $n$ consecutive $Y$ values treat the problem as $n$ independent observations of $Y_k$ and $Y_{k+1}$. (Since the first observation can be a sign change relative to the $Y$ before the sequence, this is $n$ rather than $n-1$.) So the answer will be $n$ times the probability that a given $Y_k Y_{k+1}$ is negative.
For that to happen at time $k==t+n$, consider the the random variate $Z = -\left(X_{t+2} + X_{t+3} + \ldots + X_{t+n}\right)$. In order for there to be a sign change from negative to positive in the $Y$ sequence at time $k$, we must have
X_{t+1} < Z \mbox{ and } X_{t+1} > Z
(The probability for a change from positive to negative is the same.)
Z is distributed as a normal with mean zero and $\sigma = \sqrt{n-1}$. Then
P ( - \rightarrow +) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{dz}{\sqrt{2(n-1)\pi}}e^{-\frac{z^2}{2(n-1)}}
\frac12\left[ 1+ \mbox{erf } \frac{z}{\sqrt{2}} \right]
\frac12\left[\mbox{erfc } \frac{z}{\sqrt{2}} \right]
and the desired expected number of changes in the $n$ sequence is
2n P ( - \rightarrow +)
This does not have a nice closed form, but for $n=20$ through $n=400$ is well approximated by
$$S(n) \approx \frac29 \log^2 n
However, one can show that the expression is greater than $O(\log^2 n)$ for large $n$.
As a nice aside, when $n=2$, one might naively expect the expected number of changes to be $1$. After all, in this case what we are calling $Z$ is just one of the $X$ variates, However, the correct answer is $\frac23$, and this reflects the fact that when that $x$ variate is far from zero, the expected number of sign changes drops off.