The "magistral paper of Takeshi Saito" mentioned by Qing Liu is the following: 'Conductor, Discriminant, and the Noether formula of Arithmetic surfaces', Duke Math Journal, vol. 57, no. 1. See here if you have a subscription to Duke: The definition of the discriminant is at the top of the second page. Or see section three of Liu's notes which he referenced in his reply to which you provided a link.
But for what it's worth, here is a quick answer (basically copied from Saito's paper):
Let $T$ be a nice scheme (spectrum of a field is enough for us), and $g:Y\to T$ a relative curve (i.e. geometrically connected, proper, relative dimension one). When $Y$ is smooth over $T$, there is a functorial isomorphism $\Delta:\det Rg_*(\omega_{Y/T}^{\otimes 2})\to(\det Rg_*\omega_{Y/T})^{\otimes 13}$. This is due to Deligne (from this unpublished letter to Quillen, link thanks to D. Eriksson's answer).
Now let $\mathcal{O}_K$ be a Henselian discrete valuation ring with algebraically closed residue field, put $S=\mbox{Spec}\mathcal{O}_K$,
and let $X\to S$ be a relative curve which is regular. We have an invertible $\mathcal{O}_K$-module
$V=\mbox{Hom} (\det Rg_*(\omega_{X/S}^{\otimes 2}),(\det Rg_*\omega_{X/S})^{\otimes 13})$.
and Deligne's result, applied to the generic fibre of $X$, produces a natural element $\Delta\in V\otimes_{\mathcal{O}_K} K$. The discriminant of $X$ is defined to be the order of $\Delta$ (that is, the unique $d\in\mathbb{Z}$ such that $\mathcal{O}_K\Delta=\mathfrak{p}^d V$).
I do not know if there is a similar notion of discriminant for higher dimensional $S$-schemes.