Edit: I wrote the following question and then immediately realized an answer to it, and moonface gave the same answer in the comments. Namely, $\mathbb C(t)$, the field of rational functions of $\mathbb C$, gives a nice counterexample. Note that it is of dimension $2^{\mathbb N}$.
The following is one statement of Schur's lemma:
Let $R$ be an associative unital algebra over $\mathbb C$, and let $M$ be a simple $R$-module. Then ${\rm End}_RM = \mathbb C$.
My question is: are there extra conditions required on $R$? In particular, how large can $R$ be?
In particular, the statement is true when $\dim_{\mathbb C}R <\infty$ and also when $R$ is countable-dimensional. But I have been told that the statement fails when $\dim_{\mathbb C}R$ is sufficiently large.
How large must $\dim_{\mathbb C}R$ be to break Schur's lemma? I am also looking for an explicit example of Schur's lemma breaking for $\dim_{\mathbb C}R$ sufficiently large?