
The Setting: Let $H$ be the Hilbert space of all class $C^k$-curves into $\mathbb{R}$ with inner product: \begin{equation} <f,g>:=\int_{\mathbb{R}} f'(x)g'(x) e^{-x}dx \end{equation}

Furthermore let $U$ be a Domain (simply connected and open subset) in $\mathbb{R}^d$ and let $F:U \rightarrow H$ (be a family of finitely parametrized $C^k$-curves into $\mathbb{R}$).

Let $M:=Im(F)\subseteq H$, be a finitely parametrized manifold.

My question is: (Christoffel symbols)

Is there a general form for the Christoffel symbols of such a manifold; where the inner product is induced by the embedding of $M$ into $H$?

  • $\begingroup$ I guess that $F=G$? $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 8, 2016 at 20:23


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