The logo of the IHES (upper left) is lovely, but what exactly does represent mathematically?
(There's a slightly larger version at
The logo of the IHES (upper left) is lovely, but what exactly does represent mathematically?
(There's a slightly larger version at
the artist who recreated this knot in bronze has much information on his web site, and sells a replica here (proceeds to IHES)
(I think the thing is essentially an "open" trefoil.) The more-or-less flattened images of such knots or braidings/pleatings have appeared in Islamic decorative art from ~1000 years ago, and Celtic art from ~2000. I do not have images handy, and the ones I could find easily might be in copyrighted physical sources, etc. I recall reading somewhere that, although there was no prohibition of images in Celtic art (unlike Islamic), there was a fascination with (rather cursive) geometric patterns, knots, etc.