In the study of partial differential equations, it is often considered enough to analyze the principal symbols and their characteristic variety (see for example,, and In the first link, only the principal symbol is used to count the number of solutions to a holonomic system. But there are easy examples for which this information does not appear to be enough. Consider the two-dimensional system: $$ (\partial+1)\phi(z,z')=0 $$ $$ (\partial+\partial')\phi(z,z')=0 $$ and, $$ (\partial+z)\psi(z,z')=0 $$ $$ (\partial+\partial')\psi(z,z')=0. $$ Both have the same principal symbols, namely, $p$ and $p+p'$, however, the first has the solution $\phi(z,z')=e^{z'-z}$, while the second has no solution (other than $\psi(z,z')=0$).
It seems to be suggested in the first link that the second has a solution on an integral curve, perhaps, but it is not clear to me if that is the right context and if so, how does one construct such a curve?