The fact that almost all reals are normal in base $b$ is an application of the Strong Law of Large Numbers. Write the base $b$ expansion as $X = \sum_{i=1}^\infty b^{-i} D_i$ where $X$ is uniform on $[0,1]$ and $D_i$ are iid with $P(D_i = y) = 1/b$ for $y = 0,1,\ldots,b-1$. The Strong Law of Large Numbers applied to the indicators $I(D_i = y)$ says that for each $y = 0,1,\ldots, b-1$,
$$\lim_{N \to \infty} \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N I(D_i=y) = \dfrac{1}{b} $$
The proof (e.g. using fourth moments) makes no use of Axiom of Choice, as far as I can see. If $S_N = \sum_{i=1}^N (I(D_i=y) - 1/b)$, you use independence and Cauchy-Schwarz to get a bound
$\mathbb E[S_N^4) \le K N^2$, which implies $\mathbb E \sum_N (S_N/N)^4 \le \sum_N K/N^2 < \infty$, and therefore $\sum_N (S_N/N)^4 < \infty$ almost surely, and in particular $S_N/N \to 0$ almost surely.
EDIT: To make this more explicit, we can say $$\mathbb P\left(\dfrac{|S_N(b,y)|}{N} > \epsilon\right) < \dfrac{K(b)}{\epsilon^4 N^2}$$
Moreover, the event $|S_N(b,y)|/N > \epsilon$ is equivalent to $X$ belonging to an explicit
union of intervals in $[0,1]$ of total length $< K(b)/(\epsilon^4 N^2)$.
We can construct a function $N(\eta, \epsilon, b)$ for $\eta, \epsilon > 0$ so that
$$\sum_{N > N(\eta, \epsilon, b)} \mathbb P\left(\dfrac{|S_N(b,y)|}{N} > \epsilon\right) < \eta$$
If we take $\epsilon = 1/M$ and $\eta = 2^{-b-M} \delta/b$, we get
$$ \sum_{M=1}^\infty \sum_{b=2}^\infty \sum_{y=0}^{b-1}
\sum_{N > N(1/M, 2^{-b-M} \delta/b)} \mathbb P\left(\dfrac{|S_N(b,y)|}{N} > \dfrac{1}{M} \right) < \delta $$
Thus we have an explicit sequence of intervals in $[0,1]$ with total length $< \delta$, and every point in the complement of the union of those intervals is normal in every base. For convenience, let's reindex these intervals as
$J_n$, $n = 1,2,3,\ldots$.
Now, how do we arrange (without Axiom of Choice) to find points in $G = [0,1] \backslash \bigcup_n J_n$? One way is to construct a nested sequence of closed intervals $G_n$ as follows. We will ensure that $m(G_n \cap G) > (1-(2-2^{-n})\delta) m(G_n)$ and $G_n \cap \bigcup_{j\le n} J_j = \emptyset$. Then the limit of the left endpoints of $G_n$ as $n \to \infty$ is in $G$, as desired.
Start with the interval $G_0 = [0,1]$.
Given $G_{n-1}$, $G_{n-1} \backslash J_n$ is either a single interval $A$ (plus perhaps a single point, which we ignore) or the union of two intervals $A \cup B$.
If it's a single interval $A$, we have $m(A \cap G) = m(G_{n-1} \cap G) >
(1-(2-2^{-n+1}) \delta) m(A)$. If it's two intervals,
$m(A \cap G) + m(B \cap G) > (1-(2-2^{-n+1}) \delta) (m(A) + m(B))$, so
$$\max\left(\dfrac{m(A \cap G)}{m(A)}, \dfrac{m(B \cap G)}{m(B)}\right) > 1-(2-2^{-n+1}) \delta$$
and we choose whichever of $A$ and $B$ gives the largest quotient here (in case of a tie, for definiteness take the one on the left). We want $G_n$ to be closed, so take a slightly smaller closed interval, still maintaining
$m(G_n \cap G) > (1 - (2 - 2^{-n})) \delta$. This gives the desired construction.