I believe I know how to prove the following results. I also know to whom to cite fancy-shmancy results that have these as a very special case. My question is: what are the correct citations for these versions? Pre-question: Are the results correctly stated?
Version 1
Let $\mathrm{Man}_d$ denote the category of $d$-dimensional smooth manifolds and local diffeomorphisms — what are often called the "étale" maps of manifolds. Let us say that a presheaf $F: \mathrm{Man}_d^{\mathrm{op}} \to \mathrm{Set}$ is a topological sheaf if it is local for the usual (or "étale") topology on $\mathrm{Man}_d$ and also takes homotopic maps in $\mathrm{Man}_d$ to equal functions in $\mathrm{Set}$. Any topological sheaf $F$ then induces a $\mathbb Z/2 = \pi_0(\hom(\mathbb R^d,\mathbb R^d)$-action on $F(\mathbb R^d)$. The claim is that $F$ is determined by the set $F(\mathbb R^d)$ with its $\mathbb Z/2$-action.
Version 2
Same thing, but with embeddings: replace $\mathrm{Man}_d$ by the category $\mathrm{Emb}_d$ of $d$-dimensional manifolds and open embeddings; use the Weiss topology.
Version 1.$\infty$ and 2.$\infty$
Same thing but replace $\mathrm{Set}$ with $\mathrm{Spaces}$, use homotopy sheaves, and classify in terms of homotopy $\hom(\mathbb R^d,\mathbb R^d) \simeq O(d)$-actions.