I previously asked this on Math.SE but didn't receive a satisfactory answer.
Let $p:E\rightarrow B$ be a fibration (i.e. have the homotopy lifting property with respect to all spaces), and $f: B'\rightarrow B$ and $g:B\rightarrow B'$ be homotopy inverses. Denote by $\pi_0\Gamma(B,E)$ the set of homotopy classes of sections of $p$, and likewise for other fibrations. I am interested in the following
Conjecture: There is a bijection $\beta:\pi_0\Gamma(B,E) \rightarrow \pi_0\Gamma(B',f^*E)$.
This would be a generalization of the elementary result $[B,X] \underset{\approx}{\xrightarrow{f^*}} [B',X]$, which is the case of trivial fibrations.
Some vague ideas:
It was pointed out by an author of [R. Brown and P.R. Heath, "Coglueing homotopy equivalences'', Math. Z. 113 (1970) 313-362] that the canonical projection $f':f^*E \rightarrow E$ is a homotopy equivalence (Corollary 1.4). Furthermore, there exists a map $g':E \rightarrow f^*E$, making the obvious diagram involving $g$ commute, such that $g'\circ f'$ and $f'\circ g'$ are homotopic to the identities via maps that factor through the bases (Theorem 3.4). This is an interesting result, but the issue is, unlike $f'$, that $g'$ doesn't seem to induce a map between sections in a natural way, so I don't know how this may be applied to my conjecture.
There's an induced map $f^*:\pi_0\Gamma(B,E) \rightarrow \pi_0\Gamma(B',f^*E)$ sending $\left[s:B\rightarrow E\right]$ to $\left[({\rm id}_{B'},s\circ f): B' \rightarrow f^*E\right]$, recalling that $f^*E=B'\times_{f,p}E$. One may try to prove $f^*$ is bijective. To do so, it would suffice to prove that the compositions $g^* \circ f^*$ and $f^* \circ g^*$ below are bijective: \begin{equation} \pi_0\Gamma(B,E) \xrightarrow{f^*} \pi_0\Gamma(B',f^*E) \xrightarrow{g^*} \pi_0\Gamma(B,g^*f^*E) \xrightarrow{f^*} \pi_0\Gamma(B',f^*g^*f^*E). \end{equation} Since $E\rightarrow B$ and $g^*f^*E\rightarrow B$ are pull-backs along homotopic maps, they are fiber homotopy equivalent (i.e. there eixst fiber-preserving maps between the total spaces, the compositions of which are homotopic to the identities via fiber-preserving maps), by e.g. Proposition 4.62 of Hatcher's "Algebraic Topology." It follows that \begin{equation} \pi_0\Gamma(B,E)\approx\pi_0\Gamma(B,g^*f^*E). \end{equation} Similarly, \begin{equation} \pi_0\Gamma(B',f^*E) \approx \pi_0\Gamma(B',f^*g^*f^*E). \end{equation} However, it is not known whether these bijections are given by $g^*\circ f^*$ and $f^* \circ g^*$.
Thank you in advance!
EDIT 6/5/2015: Upon encouragement by Dan Ramras, I made a renewed effort to carry my second idea further. I think the conjecture holds at least in "favorable cases," but I'm not sure how to conveniently characterize such cases, or if a more general proof is possible.
Our task boils down to the following. Let $p:E\rightarrow B$ be a fibration, and $F_t: B\rightarrow B$ be a homotopy such that $F_0={\rm id}_B$. I shall use $p_t$ to denote the pull-back fibration $F_t^*E\rightarrow B$. On the one hand, to each section $s\in \Gamma(B,E)$ of $p$ we can associate the section $({\rm id}_B, s \circ F_1)\in \Gamma(B, F_1^*E)$ of $p_1$. On the other hand, by the aforementioned Proposition 4.62 there is a fiber homotopy equivalence $\Phi:E\rightarrow F_1^*E$, so to each $s\in \Gamma(B,E)$ we can also associate the section $\Phi\circ s\in \Gamma(B, F_1^*E)$. The second way of associating sections is guaranteed to induce a bijection $\pi_0\Gamma(B,E)\xrightarrow{\approx} \pi_0\Gamma(B, F_1^*E)$, since $\Phi$ is a fiber homotopy equivalence. The task now is to show that the first way of associating sections induces the same map $\pi_0\Gamma(B,E)\rightarrow \pi_0\Gamma(B, F_1^*E)$. It suffices to show, given each $s\in \Gamma(B,E)$, that $\Phi\circ s$ and $({\rm id}_B, s \circ F_1)$ are in the same homotopy class of sections.
Let us recall the construction of $\Phi$. Regarding $F$ as a map $B\times I \rightarrow B$, there is the pull-back $\pi:F^*E\rightarrow B\times I$ of $p$ along $F$. Let \begin{eqnarray} L: E\times I &\rightarrow& B\times I \\ (e,t) &\mapsto& (p(e), t), \end{eqnarray} which can be thought of as a homotopy of maps $E\rightarrow B\times I$. Now consider the homotopy lifting problem \begin{eqnarray} E\times \{0\} &\xrightarrow{\widetilde L_0}&~ F^*E \\ \downarrow~~~~~~& &~~~\downarrow\pi \\ E\times I ~~~& \xrightarrow{~L~} & B\times I \end{eqnarray} where $\widetilde L_0$ is the obvious injection $E\times\{0\} \xrightarrow{\approx} F_0^*E \hookrightarrow F^*E$. Let $\widetilde L: E\times I \rightarrow F^*B$ be the lift of $L$ extending $\widetilde L_0$. Then we define $\Phi$ as the restriction of $\widetilde L $ to $t=1$, i.e. \begin{eqnarray} \Phi: E &\rightarrow& F_1^*E \\ e &\mapsto& \widetilde L(e,1). \end{eqnarray} Remarkably, by the proof of Proposition 4.62, the homotopy class $[\Phi]\in\pi_0\Gamma(B,F_1^*E)$ of $\Phi$ is independent of the choice of the lift $\widetilde L$. Therefore, it suffices prove the following: given each $s\in \Gamma(B,E)$, there exists such a choice of $\widetilde L$ that $\widetilde L(s(-),1) = ({\rm id}_B, s\circ F_1) \in \Gamma(B, F_1^*B)$. The nice thing is this choice can depend on $s$.
Thus suppose $s$ is given, and we will construct an $\widetilde L$ in two steps. In the first step, define \begin{eqnarray} \psi: s(B) \times I &\rightarrow& F^*E \\ (s(b), t) &\mapsto& \left((b, (s\circ F_t)(b), t\right). \end{eqnarray} This is well-defined as one can verify $(b, (s\circ F_t)(b)$ is indeed in $F_t^*E$. Noting that $\psi(s(b),0) = ((b,s(b)), 0)$, we paste $\psi$ and $\widetilde L_0$ to obtain \begin{eqnarray} \widetilde L_0 \cup \psi: (E\times\{0\}) \cup (s(B)\times I) \rightarrow F^*E. \end{eqnarray} $\widetilde L_0 \cup \psi$ certainly extends $\widetilde L_0$, and it lifts $L$ because $\pi \left((b, (s\circ F_t)(b), t\right) = (b,t) = L(s(b),t)$. In the second step, we have to solve the following homotopy lifting problem for the pair $(E,s(B))$ (or "homotopy lifting extension problem"): \begin{eqnarray} (E\times\{0\}) \cup (s(B)\times I) &\xrightarrow{\widetilde L_0 \cup \psi}&~ F^*E \\ \downarrow~~& &~~~\downarrow\pi \\ E\times I & \xrightarrow{~~~L~~~} & B\times I \end{eqnarray} This is where I had to make some favorable assumptions. Let us assume that every element of $\pi_0\Gamma(B,E)$ has a representative $s$ such that $(E,s(B))$ can be given a CW pair structure. By using a different representative if necessary we can assume that the given $s$ has this property. Now, a fibration is a Serre fibration, and a Serre fibration has the homotopy lifting property with respect to all CW pairs. Therefore the desired $\widetilde L:E\times I \rightarrow F^*E$ exists.
(To complete the proof of the original conjecture, of course, the same favorable assumptions should be made about $f^*E\rightarrow B'$ as well as $E\rightarrow B$.)