Is there a continuous map $S: C^k(M)\to C^{k+1}(M)$ with the following properties?
(1) if $S(f)$ is $C^{k+2}$, then $f$ is $C^{k+1}$,
(2) if $f$ is $C^\infty$, then so is $S(f)$,
(3) $f$ and $S(f)$ are $C^k$-close.
Here $M$ is a manifold, $k\ge 0$, and $C^k(M)$ is equipped with (say) strong $C^k$-topology.
I think (1) fails for the usual convolution smoothing with the $C^1$ kernel, namely, certain functions get smoothed too much. Ideally, the operator should work for all $k$ at once, but the above is what I actually need.