Here's something I've been playing with off and on for a bit; I'm curious if anyone has seen it before.
For this question, a Kripke frame $K$ is a finite reflexive directed graph. (Reflexivity isn't important, but it's convenient.) Given a finite set $P$ of propositional variables, the modal language on $P$ and the set of $P$-valuations on $K$ are what you'd expect: modal sentences are built from $P$ by Booleans and the "$\Box$" operation, a $P$-valuation on $K$ is a map $P\times K\rightarrow \{True, False\}$, and a modal sentence $\varphi$ is true at a world $w\in K$ under a given valuation $V$ if it is true under the usual semantics - $\Box\psi$ is interpreted as "every world seen satisfies $\psi$," and everything else is straightforward.
For details, see
Now given a Kripke frame $K$, a propositional language $P$, and a valuation $V$, the triple $(K, P, V)$ induces an equivalence relation $\cong_{K, P, V}$ on $K$ given by elementary equivalence: for $u, v\in K$, $u\cong_{K, P, V} v$ if $[(V, u)\models \varphi]\iff[(V, v)\models\varphi]$ for every modal sentence $\varphi$ using propositional letters from $P$.
Okay, now forget the language and valuation: given a Kripke frame $K$, say a partition $\pi$ of $K$ is tame if for some $P$ and $V$ we have $\pi=K/\cong_{K, P, V}$.
For example, clearly the discrete partition of $K$ is always tame, as is the indiscrete partition (this is where we need reflexivity). Moreover, if $\pi_0, \pi_1$ are tame, then their common refinement $\pi_2$ is also tame, so the tame partitions form a lattice.
On the other hand, there are partitions which are not tame: for example, if $K=\langle\{a, b, c\}, \{(a, a), (b, b), (b, c), (c, c)\}\rangle$, then $[\{a, b\}, \{c\}]$ is not a tame partition of $K$ - if we can tell $b$ and $c$ apart then we must be able to tell $a$ and $b$ apart.
There are a bunch of questions I have around tameness of partitions (besides "has anyone seen this?"). Here are the ones I think are most interesting:
Is there a snappier description of tameness?
When do two Kripke frames with the same vertex set have the same family of tame partitions? (Maybe "same" is not the right notion here . . .)
What can we say about the number $\#(K)$ of tame partitions of a frame $K$ (including the complexity of the map $K\mapsto\#(K)$)?
If $\mathcal{K}=(K_i)_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ is a sequence of Kripke frames, let $\#(\mathcal{K})$ be the associated sequence of numbers of tame partitions. What can we say about the behavior of $\#(\mathcal{K})$ for $\mathcal{K}$ a "random" sequence of finite graphs? (Obviously this is vague - the two notions of randomness I'm most interested in are: $K_i$ is picked uniformly randomly from the set of Kripke frames of size $i$; and $K_{i+1}$ is gotten from $K_i$ by adding one new vertex $v$, and then for each old vertex $w$ an edge between $v$ and $w$ with probability $p$.)