My question may be basic but I can't find any answer. Let $N$ be a positive integer. I need to find the constant term (of the Fourier series) at each cusps of a modular form $$f(\tau)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{a(n)q^n} \quad , \quad (q=e^{2i\pi \tau}, \tau \in \mathcal{H})$$ (where $f$ belongs to the space $\mathcal{M}_2(\Gamma_0(N))$) just by knowing its Fourier series at $i \infty$.
I know that the constant term is $0$ at $i \infty$ and since I can assume that $f$ is an eigenvalue of the Fricke involution $w_N$, I can deduce that it must also be $0$ at the cusp $0$. What else can I say ?
When $N=p$ is prime, I can conclude. But since I am working on a general result, I can't do those assumptions on $f$ : I can't explicit $f$ by a basis of $\mathcal{M}_2(\Gamma_0(N))$, neither.
Many thanks for your help !