Here is an extract of the doctoral thesis of C. Lewis under the supervision of D. Joyce (, 1998):
2.6 Spin Bundles and the Dirac Operator
To consider spin bundles over a $Spin(7)$ manifold $M$, it is usually best to first consider Clifford algebras.
Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space with an inner product defined upon it. Let $e_1$, $e_2$, ... , $e_n$ be an orthonormal basis for $V$.
Then the Clifford algebra, $C_n$, of $V$ is defined to be the algebra generated by the elements $e_1$, $e_2$, ... , $e_n$ subject to the relations
$$e_i^2 =-1$$, $$e_ie_j + e_je_i = 0\text{ for }i \neq j$$
Considered as a vector space $C_n$ is of dimension $2n$, spanned by elements of the form
$$e_1^{\delta_1}e_2^{\delta_2}\cdots e_n^{\delta_n}$$
where $\delta_i = 0$ or 1.
Now consider the case $n = 8$. In this case it can be shown that
$$C_8 = \mathbb{R} (16),$$
the algebra of $16\times 16$ matrices with values in $\mathbb{R}$. [Sal, p.171]
Look also here
Thus we may consider $\mathbb{R}$ (16) as a $C_8$ module.
We may define the group $Spin(8)$ as the subset of $C_8$ consisting of all even products $x_1x_2\cdots x_{2r-1}x_{2r}$ of elements of $V$, with each $\|x_i\| = 1$. (Similarly we might have defined $Spin(7)$ as the subset of $C_7$ consisting of all even products $x_1x_2\cdots x_{2r-1}x_{2r}$ of elements of $\mathbb{R}^8$, with each $\|x_i\| = 1$.)
Now let us consider the element $v = e_1e_2\cdots e_8$ of $C_8$. Then $v$ is a involution of $C_8$, and commutes with every element of $Spin(8)$, and hence $\mathbb{R}^{16}$ splits as a $Spin(8)$ module into the eigenspaces of $v$.
Thus $\mathbb{R}^{16}=\Delta_+\oplus\Delta_-$, where $\Delta_+$ is the $+1$ eigenspace of $v$, and $\Delta_-$ is the $-1$ eigenspace of $v$. We call them the positive and negative spin representations of $Spin(8)$.
Now suppose that $M$ is a $Spin(7)$ manifold. Then we have that $M$ is a spin manifold i.e. there exists a spin structure of $M$, a principal $Spin(8)$ bundle $\tilde{E}$ covering the $SO(8)$ bundle of frames for the tangent bundle.
Now since we have a principal $Spin(8)$ bundle, and the two $Spin(8)$ modules (namely $\Delta_+$ and $\Delta_-$), we may form two vector bundles associated to the principal spin bundles by means of the two spin representations.
We call these bundles $S_+$ and $S_-$, the positive and negative spinor bundles, and their sections are known as positive and negative spinors. It is perhaps worth noting at this point that the group $Spin(7)$ is the subgroup of $SO(8)$ preserving a spinor, and hence the manifold $M$ will possess a constant spinor. Thus we will have isomorphisms $S_+ \equiv\Lambda^0\otimes \Lambda^2_7$ and $S_-\equiv \Lambda^1$.
The question is: Why is it true that $S_+ \equiv\Lambda^0\otimes \Lambda^2_7$ and $S_-\equiv \Lambda^1$?
Any suggestion is welcome.