It is proved in this paper by Kawamata (Theorem 6.1) that for a 3-dimensional normal algebraic variety $X$ which has at most canonical singularities, and a Weil divisor $D$ on it, the $\mathcal{O}_X$-algebra $$\mathcal{R}_X(D):=\oplus_{m\geq 0}\mathcal{O}_{X}(mD)$$ is finitely generated.
I want to know:
(1) If the above result still true for higher dimensional varieties(with mild singualrities or even a variety of Fano type)?
(2) My interest in this problem comes from using its "Corollary" in higher dimensional case (see Corollary 4.5 loc.cit):
Let $X$ be a 3-dimensional variety with terminal singularities, then there exists a projective birational morphism $\phi: Y \to X$ such that: (1) $Y$ has at most $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial terminal singularities, and (2) $\phi$ is small.
I want to know if in the higher dimensional case, there still exists such small modification of a variety to be a $\mathbb{Q}$-factorial variety?