Consider $\Omega_1, \Omega_2$ two convex, bounded domains in $R^n$ with $\Omega_1 \supset \overline{\Omega_2}$ and suppose that $\operatorname{dist}(x, \partial \Omega_2) =\min_{y \in \partial \Omega_2} |x - y| = \lambda>0$ for all $x \in \partial \Omega_1$ ($\lambda$ independent of $x$).
Someone know if in this case the boundary $\partial \Omega_1$will be $C^1$ ? If you dont know a proof, a reference it is ok.
I am asking this because if is true it will help me understand some things that I am studying.
I searched a lot for a reference , but I didn't find anything. Appears that it is true...
Thanks for your attention