Yes, this is always possible, and $G$ is unique. Here is how you can see this:
Consider the pair of positive definite symmetric matrices $(-H^{-1}, M)$. By a well-known theorem (simultaneous diagonalization of quadratic forms), there exists an invertible matrix $A$ such that
-H^{-1} = AA^T\qquad\text{and}\qquad M = A D A^T
where $D$ is positive definite and diagonal. Then the equation you want to solve becomes
G (A^T)^{-1} A^{-1} G = ADA^T.
Setting $\bar G = A^{-1}G(A^T)^{-1}$, this becomes $\bar G^2 = D$, which has a unique positive definite symmetric (in fact, diagonal) solution, $\bar G = \sqrt{D}$. Now just set
G = A\bar G A^T = A\sqrt{D}\,A^T.
Note: Explicitly finding $A$ is a matter of first finding the diagonal elements of $D$ as the roots (which are all positive) of the equation $\det(M+\lambda H^{-1}) = 0$, or, equivalently $\det(MH+\lambda I) = 0$. Then, using these, you get the columns of $A$ as the corresponding eigenvectors.