There are a number of papers that I can find about well-quasi-orders in formal lnaguage theory, by Kunc, de Luca, D'Alessandro, and Varricchio, among others. I am interested, however, in well-quasi ordering results on languages themselves---that is, on subsets of $A^*$ rather than on $A^*$ directly.
Does anyone know of any work in this area? An example of the kind of question I would like to find an answer to is as follows:
Let $A$ be a (possibly infinite) alphabet well-quasi-ordered by $\preceq$. Given $v = v_1 v_2 \dotsc v_n \in A^*$ and $w = w_1 w_2 \dotsc w_m \in A^*$, we say that $v \stackrel{\mathrm W}{\preceq} w$ if $n = m$ and $v_i \preceq w_i$ for $1 \le i \le n$. We then say that, for $L_1, L_2 \subseteq A^*$, $L_1 \stackrel{\mathrm L}{\preceq} L_2$ if and only if for each $v \in L_1$, there is $w \in L_2$ such that $v \stackrel{\mathrm W}{\preceq} w$.
Does $\stackrel{\mathrm L}{\preceq}$ well-quasi-order the prefix-closed regular languages over $A^*$?
EDIT: Changed to prefix-closed as there's a trivial counterexample on all regular languages.