What do we know about the complexity of the theory of Borel equivalence relations, with the Borel reducibility order $\leq_B$?
That is, let $\mathcal{B}$ be the set of all Borel equivalence relations on your favorite uncountable Polish space, modulo bireducibility. What is the complexity of the first order theory of $(\mathcal{B},\leq_B)$? Is it known to be undecidable?
A result of Louveau-Velickovic (A note on Borel Equivalence Relations, PAMS, 1994) shows that $(\mathcal{P}(\omega),\subseteq^*)$ embeds into $(\mathcal{B},\leq_B)$, and thus so does any partial order of size $\leq\aleph_1$. Does this provide an answer to my question?