I asked the following question on math.SE a couple of days ago. Dietrich Burde gave an answer for the case that the subgroup is not only discrete but also acts cocompactly.
What about the general case? Are there any upper bounds known?
$\DeclareMathOperator{\isom}{Isom}$A discrete subgroup of the group of isometries in euclidean space is almost abelian.
By this I mean that for each $n$ there exists $m$ such that for any discrete subgroup $\Gamma$ of $\isom(\mathbb{R}^n)$ we can find an abelian subgroup $\Gamma' \leq \Gamma$ such that $$[\Gamma : \Gamma'] \leq m,$$ so the index of the abelian subgroup in $\Gamma$ is bounded by $m$.
What is the best known bound on $m$?