Let $s_1,s_2\in \mathbb R$ such that $-\frac12<s_1\le s_2$. There exists $C>0$ such that for all smooth functions $w$ , for all $r>0$, $$\operatorname{supp} w \subset(-r,r)\Longrightarrow \Vert{w}\Vert_{H^{s_1}}\le r^{s_2-s_1}C\Vert{w}\Vert_{H^{s_2}}. $$
I want to prove that this is no longer true for $s_1<s_2=-\frac12$. Although it is quite easy to disprove the above statement when $s_1<s_2<-\frac12$, essentially by taking the Dirac mass, in the case $s_1<s_2=-\frac12$, some logarithmic term must be introduced while keeping the compact support of $w$.