Given $N$ pairs of distinct real numbers $t_i, t'_i \in [0,1]$, $i = 1,\ldots,N$, we ask if there is a function $f(x) = \cos(2\pi mx+\alpha) + \gamma\cdot \cos(2\pi nx+\beta)$, with $m, n \in \mathbb{N}$, $\alpha, \beta, \gamma \in \mathbb{R}$, so that for all $i$: $f(t_i) > f(t'_i)$?
If yes, this proves that all knots are Fourier-(1,1,2) knots, that is, possess a parametrization with Fourier series of length 1,1,2 in coordinates $x,y,z$.
Because: a) the parametrization in the x-y plane is rich enough to generate all knots (see Lamm, 1998) and b) by interchanging $t_i$ and $t'_i$ every crossing pattern can be achieved.
As references see the articles (Kauffman, 'Fourier knots', 1997) (Lamm, 'Fourier knots', 1998) (Boocher et. al, 'Sampling Lissajous and Fourier knots', 2007) (Hoste, 'Torus knots are Fourier-(1,1,2) knots', 2007)
If the answer is no, we ask more generally if functions with a bounded number of cosine terms suffice (e.g. with bound 3).
We remark that Fourier-(1,1,1) knots are Lissajous knots. These are too symmetric to yield all knots (see also Tying knots with reflecting lightrays).
Edit1 (12Feb14). We give an example with 4 pairs of distinct numbers for which a single cosine function $\cos(2\pi mx+\alpha)$ does not suffice:
Choose $t_1, t'_1$ and $t_2, t'_2$ arbitrarily (but distinct) in $[0,1]$.
Let $t_3 = t_1 + 0.5$, $t'_3 = t'_1 + 0.5$ and $t_4 = t'_2 + 0.5$, $t'_4 = t_2 + 0.5$ (note the interchanged ' in $t_2$).
We then have:
if $f(t_1) > f(t'_1)$ then for odd $m$: $f(t_3) < f(t'_3)$ and for even $m$: $f(t_4) < f(t'_4)$.
This shows how the symmetries $\cos(x+2\pi) = \cos(x)$ and $\cos(x+\pi) = -\cos(x)$ prevent a solution in a Fourier series of length 1. The same argument applies for a series of length two (or more) if the frequencies are all odd or all even.
Edit2 (09July15).
The article (Marc Soret, Marina Ville)
solves the Fourier-(1,1,2) knot problem using Kronecker's theorem!