The space $SL_3(\mathbb{R})/SO_3(\mathbb{R})$ can be though of as some kind of 5-(real)dimensional generalized upper half-space.
Fix any copy of $SO_2(\mathbb{R})$ sitting inside $SO_3(\mathbb{R})$, then the coset space $SL_3(\mathbb{R})/SO_2(\mathbb{R})$ can be though of as a bundle over $SL_3(\mathbb{R})/SO_3(\mathbb{R})$ whose fibers are all $SO_3(\mathbb{R})/SO_2(\mathbb{R}) \cong S^2$, the two-sphere.
My question is whether or not this sphere bundle is trivial. By which I mean, is it the case that $SL_3(\mathbb{R})/SO_2(\mathbb{R})$ is diffeomorphic to $SL_3(\mathbb{R})/SO_3(\mathbb{R})\times S^2$.