Consider injective homolomorphic functions $f:\mathbb D\to \mathbb C$ on the unit disk $|z|\leq 1$, normalized by the conditions $f(0)=0$ and $f'(0)=1$.
Thus for $|z|\leq 1$ we have $ f(z)=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} a_k z^k $ with $a_0=0$ and $a_1=1$. Ludwig Bieberbach conjectured in 1916 and Louis de Branges proved in 1984 that for all $k \in \mathbb N$ the inequality $|a_k|\leq k$ holds. The Koebe function $K(z)=z/(1-z)^2$ does not belong to $ H^2(D) $ and $ A^2(D) $ . for which the extremal condition holds. Is there any analogous result for restricting the univalent functions to lie in $ H^2(D) $.
Although the above is settled there is another result, due to Hayman and independent of De Branges' theorem, that $ \lim a_n/n \leq 1 $ and equality holds only for Koebe function. I think it might be worthwhile to find an analogue of this in $ A^2(D) $. In $ H^2(D) $, it doesn't make sense as $ \lim a_n=0 $