Let's consider the first case and restrict for a moment to the case where g is a generator of the group. Write $x = g^e$
So we can write a term:
$A^i x^j = x^i g^{ix} x^j = g^{ix + e(i+j)}$
If I can find an equation of the form
$A^i x^j = A^k x^l$
then we can rewrite this as
$ix + e(i+j) = kx + e(k+l) \mod p$
Now rather than solving for $x$ alone, solve for both $x$ and $e$ by finding two such relations and doing linear algebra over $\mathbb{F}_p.$
How long should it take to find such relations? Well, you can do it in $O(\sqrt p)$, by the "birthday paradox" or practically, say by Floyd's cycle finding method.
So whether or not you reduce the problem to discrete log, you can use the same methods to solve it and we should expect the difficulty to be within a constant factor of discrete log.
You can play the same kind of game with the second problem. Have fun!