Tarski proved that if a group $G$ is exponentially bounded, then for $a$, $b$ and $c$ in the associated (equidecomposability) type semigroup, we have $a+c=b+2c \Rightarrow a=b+c$.
Question: Can this Tarski condition on the type semigroup be proved if one replaces "exponentially bounded" with "supramenable"? (I assume it's still not known if all supramenable groups are exponentially bounded.)
Update: Given Choice, this Tarski condition implies supramenability: If $(m+1)c\le mc$ for $m\in\mathbb Z^+$ and non-zero $c$ in the semigroup, then for some $d$, we have $d+(m+1)c=mc$ and iterating the Tarski condition we get $d+c=0$, which is impossible. Thus, $(m+1)c\not\le mc$, and if $c=[A]$ then that's what's needed for Tarski's Theorem to yield a $G$-invariant measure that assigns $1$ to $A$. (This gives an alternate proof of Rosenblatt's result that exponential boundedness implies supramenability.) So the question is basically whether the Tarski condition is equivalent to supramenability.
Mark Sapir asked for some definitions, which I originally put in the comments but now am moving here:
- $G$ is supramenable iff for all $\varnothing\ne A\subseteq G$ there is a finitely-additive $\mu:2^G\to[0,\infty]$ with $\mu(A)=1$. Given Choice, this is true iff $G$ has no non-empty $G$-paradoxical subsets.
- $G$ is exponentially bounded iff for all finite $F\subseteq G$ containing identity and closed under taking inverses we have $\lim |F^n|^{1/n} = 1$, where $F^n$ is the set of products of $n$ elements of $F$. (Rosenblatt 1974 proved that exponentially bounded groups are supramenable.)
- The type semigroup, due to Tarski, is defined on pages 164-5 of this piece by Laczkovich.