I am reading "Probability theory and combinatorial optimization" by J.M. Steele and am hung up on a statement made in Section 2.2 of Chapter 2, "Easy size bounds", in which it is stated (paraphrasing for brevity) that for a set of $n$ points $\{X_1,\dots,X_n\}$ independent and uniformly distributed in $[0,1]^2$, there exists a constant $c>0$ such that $$\mathbf{E} \min\{ |X_i-X_j| : X_i,X_j \in\{ X_1,\dots,X_n \} \}\geq c/\sqrt{n} $$. The author says that it is due to "a computation that perfectly parallels the proof of Lemma 2.1.1". Is there a direct reference, or an obvious proof, for this result somewhere? I would think the lower bound would be $c/n$ because there are $n(n-1)/2$ total pairs that we're looking at.
I looked at Lemma 2.1.1 in this book, which basically puts an upper bound on the quantity $ \mathbf{E} \min_i \| x-X_i \| $ for an arbitrary point $x\in [0,1]^2$, and the details of how one might recover a proof of the above result are not clear to me. The two seem quite different because the above result deals with $n*(n-1)/2$ total edges, whereas Lemma 2.1.1 deals only with $n$ edges between the point $x$ and the other points $X_i$.