Hermann Haken in his theory of Synergetics discussed over years the huge variety of phase transitions and particularly the non-linear phase transition phenomena. His series with Springer publishing on synergetics (http://www.springer.com/series/712) brings extensive literature on this matter. He approached phase transition phenomena in very different disciplines (physics (from laser theory to thermodynamics...), chemistry, biology, economy, information theory, artificial intelligence, mathematics, politics and social phenomena...) and with very different methods, however systematised in one theory that combines stochastic (Fokker Planck and master equations) and deterministic apporaches. although emeritus his institute of theoretical physics and synergetics has a huge catalogue of works and the researcher over there are a wealth of knowledge on this matter.
The central work is concise in one monograph: http://www.amazon.com/Synergetics-Introduction-Advanced-Topics-Springer/dp/3642074057/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376158698&sr=8-1&keywords=synergetics+and+introduction
You will find in this spectrum all you would need on phase transition examples and much exciting stuff more. It made me at least the last 30 years since my lectures with Haken again and again excited.