Given a row-stochastic matrix $M$ with singular values $\sigma_{1} \geq \cdots \geq \sigma_{n}$, I am looking for an upper bound on the expression
$$\min_{\alpha} \left\| M- \frac{\alpha}{n}J_{n} \right\|_{2}$$
where $J_{n}$ is the matrix with all ones.
It is not hard to see that if $M$ is doubly stochastic, the above expression is exactly $\sigma_{2}$ (as the singular vector of the largest singular values is the vector of all ones), for $\alpha =1$. Can you find a similar bound when $M$ is only row stochastic?
Thank you.
Edit: Suppose we take $a, b$ to be the left and right singular vectors corresponding to the largest singular value $\sigma_{1}$. Then,
$$\| M- \frac{\alpha}{n}J_{n}-\sigma_{1}ab^T+\sigma_{1}ab^T \|_{2} < \sigma_{2}+\sigma_{1}\left(\sqrt{1-\frac{\left< a,e\right> ^{2}\left< b,e\right> ^{2}}{N^{2}}}\right)$$
$$\alpha = \frac{\sigma_{1}\left< a,e\right> ^{2}\left< b,e\right>^{2}}{N^{2}}$$
For a doubly stochastic matrix, this bound is tight (as the first singular vectors are $\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}e$). What can we say, for example, of $\left< a,e\right> \left< b,e\right>$, when $\sigma_{1}$ is not 1, but very close to it?