In algebraic geometry it is well-known (see Hartshorne Exercise II.5.16 for example) that there is a 1-1 correspondence between rank $n$ (geometric) vector bundles $\pi\colon Y\to X$ on a scheme $X$ and locally free sheaves of $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules of rank $n$.
As I would imagine is well-known to experts in the subject, there is an analogous result in rigid analytic geometry (in the sense of Tate). Here the analogue of a trivial geometric vector bundle of rank $n$ on a rigid $K$-analytic space $X$ is the fibre product $X\times_K \mathbb{A}^{n,an}$ together with its natural projection onto $X$. Here $\mathbb{A}^{n,an}$ denotes the rigid analytic space obtained by gluing together polydiscs of larger and larger radius as in Example of Non-Archimedean analysis by Bosch, Güntzer and Remmert. One can verify that the sections of the projection map $X\times_K \mathbb{A}^{n,an}\to X$ are naturally a free $\mathcal{O}_X(X)$-module of rank $n$. Given this it is not difficult to make a definition of a general geometric vector bundle on rank $n$ on a rigid $K$-analytic space in such a way that the sections of such a bundle form a locally free sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules (that is a vector bundle on $X$ in the only sense I can find in the literature). Moreover, as in the algebraic setting this actually defines a 1-1 correspondence between the two notions of vector bundle.
My question is whether anyone has written this up in a form that can be easily cited.