I wish to add a remark to Noam D. Elkies' beautiful answer. From the integral representation for $f$, putting $e^{-t}=s$ in the integral,
$$f(-x)=1-x\int_0^\infty e^{-xte^{-t}} e^{-t}dt = 1-x\int_0^1 s^{sx}ds\, ,$$
so that, for $x\to \infty$, $ f(-x)=o(1)$ is equivalent to $$\int_0^1 xu(s)^xds=1+o(1)\, ,$$ where $u\in C([0,1])$ is the function $u(s):=s^s$. As a matter of fact, since $0\le u(s)\le 1$ for all $s$ and $u(s)=1$ only for $s=0$ or $s=1$, it turns out that the limit only depends on $u'(0)$ and $u'(1)$.
Since $u'(1)=1$, for any $\lambda < 1 < \mu$ there exists a $b < 1$ such that
for all $s\in [b,1]$ there holds
$$1+\mu(s-1) \le u(s)\le 1+\lambda(s-1)\, ,$$
so that
$$x\big(1+\mu(s-1)\big)^x \le xu(s)^x\le x\big(1+\lambda(s-1)\big)^x\, .$$
Similarly, since $u'(0)=-\infty$, for any $\nu > 0$ there exists a $a > 0$ such that
for all $s\in [0,a]$ $$u(s)\le1-\nu s\, ,$$ so
$$xu(s)^x\le x\big( 1-\nu s\big) ^ x \, .$$
Moreover, since on any interval $[a,b]\subset\subset(0,1)$ the function $u$ is bounded away from $1$, it is clear that $\int_a^b xu(s)^xds=o(1)$ by uniform convergence to $0$.
Integrating over $s\in [ 0,1]$, and recalling that $\lambda < 1 < \mu$ and $\nu > 0$ were arbitrary, the inequalities above plainly give
$$\int_0^1 xu(s)^xds=\int_0^a x u(s)^xds+\int_a^b xu(s)^xds+\int_b^1 xu(s)^xds=1+o(1) \, ,$$
for $x\to \infty$.