Given a variety $X$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ with good reduction at $p$, proper smooth base change tells us that its $l$-adic cohomology groups are unramified at $p$ (and I'd guess some $p$-adic Hodge theory tells us its p-adic cohomology is crystalline).
My question is to what extent it's possible to find a converse to this statement. More precisely, I have yet to see a counterexample to the following "conjecture" (though I still suspect it's wrong).
"Conjecture": Let $K$ be a number field, $p$ and $l$ primes, and $V$ a geometric (say, coming from the variety $Y$) $l$-adic representation of $G_K$ that is unramified/crystalline at $\mathfrak{p}|p$. Then there exists a smooth proper variety $X$ such that $X$ has good reduction at $\mathfrak{p}$ and $V$ can be cut out of the cohomology of $X$.
From googling around, the things I know so far are (at least for $l \not= p$):
- If $Y$ is an abelian variety, the classical Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich condition means that $Y$ itself is a witness to the conjecture.
- We can take torsors for abelian varieties with no $K$-rational points, and these can have the same representations, but fail to have good reduction (in this paper of Dalawat).
- There exist curves which have bad reduction, but whose Jacobians have good reduction.
If anyone knows any more about this story I'd be interested to hear. Ultimately I guess it would be nice to have a definition for when a motive is unramified/has good reduction, and cohomologically this surely has to mean unramified/crystalline, but it would be nice if this could always be realised "geometrically".
Thanks, Tom.