Unfortunately I don't know much about motives in genereal, but this might be relevant to your question. One result of my thesis, that I am currently writing, is to prove Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich for 1-motives. The proof is not particularly difficult and it ultimately reduces to the corresponding results for the components of the 1-motive. I will describe below what good reduction means in this particular case.
A 1-motive $M = [u\colon Y\to G]$ over a scheme $S$ consists of a group scheme $Y$, which is locally etale isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}^r$, a group scheme $G$ which is an extension of an abelian scheme $A$ by a torus $T$ and a homomorphism $u\colon Y\to G$. If $S$ is the spectrum of a field $K$, this means that $Y$ is a free finitely-generated $\mathbb{Z}$-module with a continuous action of the absolute Galois group $\Gamma_K$ and that $u$ is a $\Gamma_K$-equivariant homomorphism $u\colon Y\to G(\bar K)$.
If $R$ is a complete discrete valuation ring with a fraction field $K$ we say that a 1-motive $M$ over $K$ has good reduction if there exists a 1-motive $\widetilde{M}$ over $R$ whose generic fiber is isomorphic to $M$. This is equivalent to the following:
- $G$ has good reduction $\widetilde{G}$ over $R$, which is equivalent to saying that both $A$ and $T$ have good reduction;
- The action of $\Gamma_K$ on $Y$ is unramified;
- The image of $u(Y)$ is contained in the set of those points in $G(K')$ which can be reduced, where $K'/K$ is some finite field extension. Equivalently, $u(Y)$ is contained in the maximal compact subgroup of $G(K')$;
With this definition, the criterion of Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich is as follows: Let $l,p$ be primes, with $l\neq p$. A 1-motive $M/\mathbb{Q}$ has good reduction mod p if and only if the Tate module $T_l(M)$ is unramified at $p$. For general number fields replace $p$ by a prime ideal.
If you want to learn more about reduction of 1-motives you can look at M. Raynaud's paper 1-Motifs et Monodromie Géométrique.