Suppose $n > 1$ is a natural number. Suppose $K$ and $L$ are fields such that the general linear groups of degree $n$ over them are isomorphic, i.e., $GL(n,K) \cong GL(n,L)$ as groups. Is it necessarily true that $K \cong L$?
I'm also interested in the corresponding question for the special linear group in place of the general linear group.
NOTE 1: The statement is false for $n = 1$, because $GL(1,K) \cong K^\ast$ and non-isomorphic fields can have isomorphic multiplicative groups. For instance, all countable subfields of $\mathbb{R}$ that are closed under the operation of taking rational powers of positive elements have isomorphic multiplicative groups.
NOTE 2: It's possible to use the examples of NOTE 1 to construct non-isomorphic fields whose additive groups are isomorphic and whose multiplicative groups are isomorphic.