Let $X$ be a complete CAT$(0)$ metric space, and $\partial X$ its boundary. One way to define $\partial X$ is as the equivalence class of geodesic rays $\gamma(t), \gamma'(t)$ that remain within a constant distance of one another for large $t$.
Under what conditions and for which $n$ is it known that the boundary of a complete CAT$(0)$ $n$-manifold is homeomorphic to the $(n{-}1)$-sphere $\mathbb{S}^{n-1}$ ?
I believe this is known if $X$ is a complete $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold of nonpositive sectional curvature, but I have not found clear counterexamples otherwise. I am especially interested in $n{=}3$. Pointers would be appreciated, as this area is relatively new to me. Thanks!
Answered. Here is a snippet from the Davis-Januszkiewicz paper Igor cites,
describing an $n{=}5$ example where $\partial X \neq \mathbb{S}^4$:
I would still be interested to learn if a similar example is known for $n < 5$.