I'm learning about the Thurston norm and am trying to understand the implications that the existence of fibered faces has for the ways in which a given three-manifold $M$ can fiber over the circle. In particular, I am interested in the following question:
Let $M$ be a compact, oriented three-manifold without boundary, and suppose that $M$ is irreducible and atoroidal, so that the Thurston norm is non-degenerate. Suppose further that $M$ admits a fibering over $S^1$, so that there exists a fibered face for the unit norm ball. Is it then true that $M$ fibers over $S^1$ with fiber $S_g$ the closed surface of genus $g$ for infinitely many $g$?
I believe the answer is yes but I haven't seen a discussion of a result of this type in any of the sources I have consulted (Thurston's paper, this paper of McMullen, and the books by Kapovich, Calegari, and Candel-Conlon mentioned in this question.) The argument I constructed relies on Theorem 6.1 in the aforementioned McMullen paper, which gives conditions under which a class $\phi \in H^1(M, \mathbb{Z})$ is Poincare-dual to a connected norm-minimizing surface $S$. Specifically, for any $\phi$ that is primitive (i.e. maps onto $\mathbb{Z}$) and for which $b_1(M_\phi)$ is finite (where $M_\phi$ is the cyclic covering of $M$ associated to the kernel of $\phi$), a connected, Thurston-norm minimal $S$ dual to $\phi$ exists. In the case where $\phi$ is associated to a fibration $M \to S^1$, it seems to me that the condition on the finiteness of $b_1$ is automatically satisfied: McMullen remarks that in these circumstances we have $b_1(M_\phi) = b_1(F)$ where $F$ is the fiber of the fibration associated to $\phi$.
Now the argument goes as follows: given any primitive $\phi$ in the cone on the fibered face (such $\phi$ exist with arbitrarily large Thurston norm), take the $S$ associated to $\phi$ by the McMullen theorem. By construction, $S$ is dual to $\phi$, which is in turn dual to the fiber $F$ of the associated fibration, so that $S$ and $F$ represent the same homology class. Per a lemma in Calegari's book, a norm-minimizing surface in an irreducible manifold is incompressible. Then, following the remark of Thurston at the beginning of his Section 3, any incompressible surface homologous to a fiber is in fact isotopic to the fiber; in particular they have the same Euler characteristic. Since we can take $|| \phi ||$ to be arbitrarily large, we find that $\chi(S)$, and hence the genus of the fiber, can be arbitrarily large.
My question then is whether the answer to my above question is yes, and if so, is the argument I give correct, and is there a simpler way to show it? Should this be surprising? Is there a simple example of this phenomenon, preferably one where the various fiberings are easy to "see"? I know of examples when $M$ has boundary, namely link complements in the three-torus, but I would like an example with closed fibers.